The Girl Who Could Make People Naked(Penguin Petit)【電子書籍】[ Manjula Padmanabhan ]

The Girl Who Could Make People Naked(Penguin Petit)【電子書籍】[ Manjula Padmanabhan ]

<p>"When she looked into his eyes, she could see every thought of his, strung out like washed shirts flapping on a line." Gautam is already a little high-strung because of his sister's wedding when he meets Bahaar, the groom's cousin, who claims to have "arranged" this meeting of theirs. Gautam, who is struggling with his possessive feelings for his sister and his doubts over the suitor, who in his opinion isn't all that suitable, gets increasingly peeved with every sentence that Bahaar utters. Not only does she seem to possess supernatural powers, the likes of which he has never experienced before, but she also seems to be weirdly obsessed with him. After all, it isn't everyday that a weird girl with superpowers asks you to have sex with her while their families are socializing with each other. Needless to say, Gautam is speechless. But Bahaar still has one more trick up her sleeve. Can Gautam handle it? Originally written to appear in a magazine, The Girl Who Could Make People Naked is in the author's view, a cheeky look at Delhi's strait-laced, uptight social milieu that sometimes takes itself a little too seriously. Weird, wonderful, and almost absurd, this is Manjula Padmanabhan at her finest.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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